Be One with your goal Path of glory
5:45 am
Wake up. Just like yesterday. Just like tomorrow. The soreness flares up, trying to lure you back under the covers. But you get up anyway. Every sunrise this dance repeats itself. Day after day. Year after year. Why do I have to train? Why put myself through the pain? But your body wakes up and acclimates. You remember all that brought you to this point. Motivation kicks back in. the tiredness fades.
As you get dressed, you visualize your goal. The one. The same one. Ever since the first race. To reach it you’ll do whatever it takes: boxing slalom poles, putting in the work, giving all you’ve got. Today will bring you one step closer. Today, you’ll push harder than the last.
7 am - Repetition
It’s cold outside. Still night. Biting. The cold cuts through your clothes, spreads through your lungs. You can see your icy breath spilling out in front of you. Yesterday, you missed your mark. Lost the line. The clock never lies. Time to get back on track. Utilize every ounce of strength. Ignore the past. Push beyond failure. You have to leave it all behind. Box the gates, faster, focus on your speed, and explode through the course. Then start again.
2 pm - Precision
Put on your ski kit. Fasten your buckles. Adjust your mask. Every effort takes your mind off the cold. Every detail counts when measured by tenths of a second. You can’t leave anything to chance. Be precise in every aspect. Be 100% focused. Memorizing the slope,visualizing your line. Identifying the key areas to accelerate, decelerate, finding the ideal trajectory to propel you faster down the fall line. Then comes the reward, the rest your body deserves. The rest you will need to win.

LANGE shares the same values of elite athletes around the world. Daily commitment and relentless focus on our goal allow us to deliver the world’s best ski boots. A vision that comes from our ability to repeat the same processes day after day, until we develop the perfect mechanics. Through our patience, persistence, and attention-to-detail we are able to constantly refine and improve to meet the requirements of past, present, and future champions.

5 pm
You replay past races to analyze your performance. Always going further, always in motion, never satisfied. Consistently working to improve, looking for what didn’t work, and striving for perfection. This is how champions are made. This is what the training looks like. An aesthetic dance, an artist’s approach. The training is the means. The finish line is the goal.

7 pm - Talent
It’s race day. The timing is perfect. The pinnacle of form and the peak of precision. All of the work you’ve put in has built to this moment. The commitment and repetition allows your talent to shine. Looking up to the leader board to see the number next to your name. This fleeting moment erases the long hours of work. Any pain and exhaustion disappears as you hoist your skis triumphantly into the sky. Victorious.
Tomorrow, the alarm will sound again. Always the same time. The long, difficult journey begins new. But it’s the intense happiness of this moment, this fleeting jubilation, this overwhelming sense of pride – it will drive you out from under the covers, from the comfort of your home, and back out into the cold to chase perfection yet again.